Chesterton 630 SXCF Extreme-Pressure, Corrosion-Resistant, H1 Food-Grade Grease

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Chesterton 630 SXCF Extreme-Pressure, Corrosion-Resistant Grease
Synthetic, High-Temperature/High Speed, H1 Food-Grade Grease


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​High-performance, corrosion-inhibited grease with outstanding extreme pressure capabilities an​d excellent water washout resistance. 630 is synthetic based, and offers superior high-temperature stability and resistance to steam and cleaning chemicals. 630 is NSF Registered H1 and complies with FDA regulations 178.3570.  ​Temperature limit -40° C (-40° F) to 240° C (464° F).

​NSF Registered H1
Superior water washout resistance
Excellent corrosion protection
Compatible with most popular greases
Exceptional shear resistance
Antioxidants inhibit hardening or crystallization
Dropping point 318° C (604° F)
QBT™ Quiet Bearing Technology
Food, pharmaceutical, beverage industries
Pharmaceutical processing and packaging machines
Bottling equipment
Fruit feeders
Paste and sauce fillers
Canning machinery
Meat packaging equipment
Carton filling equipment
Container Size 630
Reorder Number
400 Gram082713
18 Kilogram082711
55 Kilogram082714
180 Kilogram 
Aerosol - North America Only
400 Gram - North America Only
18 Kilogram - North America Only
55 Kilogram - North America Only
180 Kilogram - North America Only



Product Datasheet: Chesterton 630 & 630(E) SXCF (English) Available in EMEA only Datasheet: Chesterton 630 & 630(E) SXCF (English) Available in EMEA onlypdf
Safety Datasheet - Aerosol: Chesterton 630(E) SXCF (English) Available in EMEA only SXCF_A-EN.pdfSafety Datasheet - Aerosol: Chesterton 630(E) SXCF (English) Available in EMEA onlypdf
NSF Certification: 630 SXCF Aerosol (English) SXCF Aerosol certificate.pdfNSF Certification: 630 SXCF Aerosol (English)pdf
NSF Certification: 630(E) SXCF Aerosol - Available in EMEA Only (English) SXCF (aerosol).pdfNSF Certification: 630(E) SXCF Aerosol - Available in EMEA Only (English)pdf
SDS - Chesterton 630 SXCF Grease (English - NA) - Chesterton 630 SXCF Grease (English - NA)pdf



Catalog: Chesterton Core Products - Mechanical Seals, Packing & Gaskets, Hydraulic Seals, Lubricants/MRO, Coatings (English) Chesterton Core Products - Mechanical Seals, Packing & Gaskets, Hydraulic Seals, Lubricants/MRO, Coatings (English)pdf
Brochure: High Performance Chemicals for the Food, Beverage, and Pharmaceutical Industries (English) High Performance Chemicals for the Food, Beverage, and Pharmaceutical Industries (English)pdf
Brochure: Industrial Lubricants - Products and Programs (English) Industrial Lubricants - Products and Programs (English)pdf
Catalog: Lubricant and MRO Products (English) Lubricant and MRO Products (English)pdf
Product Brochure: Industrial Lubricants Products and Programs (Español) Brochure: Industrial Lubricants Products and Programs (Español)pdf