Chesterton 613 Moly Grease

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Chesterton 613 Moly Grease
Long-Lasting, Multi-Purpose, Extreme-Pressure Grease


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Extreme pressure grease fortified with molybdenum disulfide to handle challenging applications with temperatures ranging from -18°C to 150°C (0°F to 302°F).

Ideal for equipment subject to extra pre​ssures and shock loading vibration at start-up or during operation​.​​

View new and improved technical performance data on the Product Datasheet (English) below.

Product Availability:North America, South America, Asia and Australia ONLY

​Contains inhibitors to protect lu​bricated equipment
Excellent resistance to water washout
Saves cost of replacement parts
Prolongs the life of parts and machiner​y
Handles temperatures ranging from -18°C to 150°C (0°F to 302°F)
Mining equipment
Plain and anti-friction bearings
Electric motors
Fans and blowers
Pumps and generators
Presses and shears

Ideal for equipment subject to extrapressures and shockloading vibration at start-up or during operation

​Container Size

Reorder Number
400 Gram​089409
​18 Kilogram089407



SDS - Chesterton 613 Moly Grease (English) - Chesterton 613 Moly Grease (English)pdf
Product Datasheet: Chesterton 613 Moly Grease (English) Datasheet: Chesterton 613 Moly Grease (English)pdf
Product Datasheet: 613 Moly Grease (Espanol) Datasheet: 613 Moly Grease (Espanol)pdf
SDS - Chesterton 613 Moly Grease (Español) - Chesterton 613 Moly Grease (Español)pdf
Product Datasheet: 613 Moly Grease (Nihongo) Datasheet: 613 Moly Grease (Nihongo)pdf



Catalog: Chesterton Core Products - Mechanical Seals, Packing & Gaskets, Hydraulic Seals, Lubricants/MRO, Coatings (English) Chesterton Core Products - Mechanical Seals, Packing & Gaskets, Hydraulic Seals, Lubricants/MRO, Coatings (English)pdf
Brochure: High Performance Chemicals for the Food, Beverage, and Pharmaceutical Industries (English) High Performance Chemicals for the Food, Beverage, and Pharmaceutical Industries (English)pdf
Brochure: Industrial Lubricants - Products and Programs (English) Industrial Lubricants - Products and Programs (English)pdf
Catalog: Lubricant and MRO Products (English) Lubricant and MRO Products (English)pdf
Product Brochure: Industrial Lubricants Products and Programs (Español) Brochure: Industrial Lubricants Products and Programs (Español)pdf